Professional Services Committee
The purpose of the Professional Service Committee is to provide oversight and input to the three professional services offered to WASPC members; Accreditation, Loaned Executive Management Assistance Program (LEMAP) and Executive Search. Each committee is summarized as follows:
Accreditation - Accreditation assists agencies with improvement of their overall performance by providing professional objectives and best practices in the form of uniform law enforcement standards.
LEMAP - LEMAP assessments provide management, consulting, and technical assistance to Association members. A LEMAP review provides a professional review of a Department's organization, operations and management systems. The review is conducted by qualified law enforcement executives. This service is available to all members of WASPC.
Executive Search – WASPC provides Executive Search services to our members and elected officials who are looking to leverage the professional expertise of WASPC members and professional staff. The scope of selection processes is left to the discretion of the customer and recruitment efforts normally focus on executive and senior command level officers.
Committee Charter
Committee Meeting Agenda - 5/2024 Committee Meeting Agenda - 11/07/2023 Committee Meeting Agenda - 05/23/2023 Committee Meeting Agenda - 11/15/2022 Committee Meeting Agenda - 5/24/2022 Committee Meeting Agenda - 11/16/2021
Committee Report - 5/26/2021 The committee did meet on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, and reported on the following:
- Accreditation Standards and New Laws – Mike Painter reported that an Accreditation standards work group has begun the process of developing or editing (existing) accreditation standards in response to new laws that will go into effect in late July, 2021. The work group will tackle new standards once the legislation is finalized by the state code reviser with a goal of recommendations to the professional services committee at the fall conference. Drafts will be posted on the WASPC website accreditation forum prior to the fall conference.
- Change to effective date of any new or updated standard – Mike explained the need to move the effective date of changes to any new or updated standards from July 1 to January 1 of the next year. Absent an emergency, changes to standards would be advanced at the spring conference, approved at the fall conference and would go into effect on January 1 after the fall conference. Motion made, seconded and unanimously approved.
- Professional Services update- Mike provided committee members with an update on professional services delivered to agencies around Washington since the start of the New Year. The next virtual training session for accreditation managers will be offered in October, 2021.
- Jail Certification – John McGrath has assembled a work group to structure a second tier of jail standards that would ultimately be called jail certification. The certification program would potentially have fewer standards than the full accreditation program and would start jails on the road to accreditation through an introductory program. The details of the program are still being worked out and have been potentially frustrated by a legislative work group tasked with addressing jail standards and reporting back to the legislature. John is continuing to strategically move forward with the WASPC jail standards work group and will report back at the fall conference.