Statistics and Reports
In this link, you will find:
- The Crime in Washington annual reports (1980 to present)
- The annual Jail Statistics reports (2001 to present)
- Full-Time Law Enforcement Employee counts (1980 to present)
- Request for data form
Manuals & Reference
In this link, you will find:
- On-line NIBRS training modules
- Regional NIBRS training dates
- Washington NIBRS Manuals
- Reference materials: Quick Reference Guides, Tips of the Month, and links to the FBI and other websites
SO Document Imaging
In this link, you will find:
- Background on sex offender case file document imaging for permanent archive
- Definitions and offenses eligible for the permanent archive
- Guidelines for submitting case files to WASPC
- A request form for obtaining a case file
- Link to the Secretary of State Law Enforcement Retention Schedule
Newsletter & Listserv
In this link, you will find:
- CJIS Newsletter archive
- Link to subscribe to the CJIS Listserv
Washington NIBRS Repository
To access the NIBRS repository, COPLINK NIBRS, please Chrome as your web browser.
COPLINK NIBRS Production Database (password required)
CJIS Staff:
- Tonya Todd
2016 NIBRS Repository Replacement Project
Click here to review the Request for Proposal (RFP) and other project documents used for the purchase and implementation of National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) State Repository in 2016.